
Brochures/Data sheets

Genesys Integration

October 28th, 2015

CallScripter is the alternative advanced scripting solution to Genesys Agent Scripting (GAS) for IW8 and Genesys Agent Desktop (GAD).

Genesys Interaction Workspace is a smart-client application that provides agents and knowledge workers with non-intrusive access to the information, processes, and applications they need.

Genesys Product Datasheet


Deployment Information

October 2nd, 2015

CallScripter is an intuitive Agent Scripting application designed by contact centre specialists. The application guides your agents through complex interactions using a mechanism of conversational prompts and peripheral applications. Agents can view information such as customer history, company websites, and geographical information, providing them with a complete picture of the client, allowing them to guide the interaction to the optimum outcome.

We offer some options when it comes to deploying our software. Our team will discuss your requirements in depth, to make sure you choose the package that works best for you.
Take a look at our ‘at a glance’ buying options on our Deployment Data Sheet.

CallScripter Synergy

August 11th, 2015

The CallScripter Synergy application datasheet is now available. This document provides an overview of our latest scripting solution.

Highlights of the application include:

  • Social platforms integration
  • cross-browser compatibility
  • simple to use the toolbar with increased functionality
  • the campaign drove system
  • built in tips and tricks feed
  • application tour guide

Synergy Data Sheet

Business Process in the Contact Centre

July 9th, 2015

All organisations rely on a level of business process to operate efficiently. These methods help us to achieve our business objectives which are crucial to the success and development of our organisations. The customer-facing nature of contact centres requires a high need for well-defined business processes. This fact sheet illustrates how CallScripter will enable you to achieve the most fundamental contact centre objectives.

Business Process Fact Sheet


CallScripter Brochure

June 22nd, 2015

CallScripter has been revolutionising customer communications within the contact centre for over ten years. We pride ourselves on being experts in the customer contact industry and pioneers in the development of superior software. Our brochure gives a quick introduction into how implementing our Agent Scripting Solution will transform your contact centre performance.

CallScripter Brochure